Steve Jobs Portrait Made From Old MacBook Pro Parts

It’s been a few days now, and the shock of Steve Jobs’ passing has been transformed into remembering the genius he really was. Immediately after the news was announced that Apple‘s co-founder had died, there was a landslide of creativity shared on the Internet. Not only did people start to immortalize Steve’s quotes, but they also started to share images and memories of him. The one that I think made the most impact was the Apple logo with Steve Jobs’ head profile where we are used to seeing the bite taken out of the apple. The image was created by Jonathan Mak Long, and it has gone viral many times over since it first got attention.

However, people’s creativity never stops, and we’ve seen hundreds upon hundreds, if not thousands of honoring creations since the moment we all didn’t want to be true. The team behind Mint Foundry in London had their own little way of remembering Steve Jobs. What started out as looking for spare parts quickly became another viral image of the now legendary Apple founder. They started building a picture of Steve Jobs out of the parts they found, and the result, well, it materializes Steve Jobs once again with his own creations.

I am sure we will see an endless number of these images go viral, but this one has a special touch to it, and that is that it’s entirely created out of MacBook Pro parts. What will come next only the creativity of people will decide, but I am sure that when the website that Apple announced to remember and honor Steve Jobs is launched, there will be pages upon pages of all kinds of stuff created by fans all over the world shared there.

May you rest in peace Steve, and let your genius shine over us for many years to come through the Apple products that are still in development and bear your mark of approval.
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